Fairgrounds Park Pickleball Courts Now Open!
Visit the Eunice Community Nature Trail and Walking Park to play a 3 Basket Course with 885 yards of fun!
Click Here to get quick fixes to Registration issues.
Coaches and Parents are encouraged to download the free Stack Team App available for IOS and Android. Quick access to game schedules and team chats. The Stac...
A guide for those who need some assistance with Head Coach Registration.
Head Coach Registration is OPEN NOW! Player Registration will open February 1.
The first season on the new artificial turf is set to start April 11, 2022.
Read for more info
Children 4-14 years of age are invited to play your Baseball or Softball at the Eunice Rec. Registration is $60 per player. Coaches are also needed.
Eunice Rec seeks input for 2017 Eunice Rec Football Season
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461 Sittig Rd Eunice, Louisiana 70535